Spiritual Companioning
Spiritual Companioning
​What it is: An age-old and tremendously varied practise of being with people who are deepening their relationship with the Divine (however they understand it).
Who can benefit: Anyone who wants to learn and grow in their personal spiritual life
How does it work: As a person shares the stories of their daily life, the companion listens and asks questions designed to provoke deeper reflection and further growth. It is not psychotherapy or counselling. Ross has numerous years of experience in this type of work.
Who is it for: Because it starts where we are, anyone with genuine interest can benefit. The spiritual companion aims to discern, understand what the Holy Spirit, through the situations of life, spiritual insights, fruit of prayer, reading and meditation on writings, tells the person accompanied. The companion may provide suggestions, give indications of possible ways of life and prayer, may assist in resolving doubts in matters of faith but never replaces your choices and decisions.
If you think this may be right for you at this time, be in touch to explore the possibilities and options for Spiritual Companionship/Direction
"Ross was a spiritual companion/mentor during some challenging times in ministry.
His thoughtful questions and unfailing belief that I had the answers within me is something for which I will always be grateful. "
"I have known Ross for many years as a spiritual advisor. Ross has been extremely helpful in guiding me in the right direction on life's tough questions on understanding God and how to live properly."